Welcome to the new Research Registry

Research Network and Discovery Forum members can browse or search the Research Registry page to view registered projects, and see what other researchers are working on in within the Research Environment.

All Discovery Forum members and Research Network members can see and submit projects in the Research Registry. As a Research Network applicant, you will not be able to submit a project or view the full details within the Research Registry until you are accepted into at least one community.

If you are working on the data of the 100,000 Genomes Project, our governance states that you must be listed on a project covering that work in the Research Registry. You will also need to have registered a project three months before you can export data related to that project through the Airlock.

You can use the Search the Research Registry page to search or filter by project details including GeCIP domains, researchers, diseases, genes and keywords.

Go to My Projects to see the status and details of any projects that you have registered, or for which you are designated as a lead or co-researcher. As project lead or submitter, you will be able to edit the project details after submission, however, please note that this could revert an approved project back to review.

You can find more information about registering your research here.

We are grateful to our funders, The Wellcome Trust, Cancer Research UK and the Medical Research Council who have generously funded research and infrastructure in the programme.